Watercress Field
(Land to SW of Strand Meadow)
Current Status: Reserved Matters Application
Planning Ref: RR/2021/409/P

We realise that many of you objected to the previous application - but now Park Lane Homes are trying again with an identical application as a deliberate attempt to keep their planning permission alive past the expiry date, so we must all object to that too.
Object by visiting the Rother District Council website
(This is now the preferred method as Rother have asked to minimise postal objections where possible. They recommend using their Portal which means the objection will be put up quicker.)
Our reasons for objecting to the scheme - click here
To contact the group: contact@burwashsaveourfields.org.uk
Closing Date: The official closing date for comments and objections was 27th May 2021. However, the portal is still open, and you can still register your comments and objections.